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LGD-4033 Ligandrol

LGD-4033, Ligandrol powder
CAS No: 1165910-22-4
Molecular Formula: C14H12F6N2O
Molecular Weight: 338.25g/mol
Purity: >99%
Appearance: White Solid or Light Yellow Powder
Transport Package: Aluminum Foil Bag or as Required
Usage: SARMs for Bodybuilding & Fitness


Simple Descriptions about Ligandrol LGD4033
LGD-4033, better known as Anabolicum is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) that like testosterone is anabolic but without the effects that display significantly outside muscle tissue. Ligand Pharmaceuticals, ligand, referring to functional binding molecules, developed LGD-4033. Ligand Pharmaceuticals has made a name for itself with SARM research along with GTx, the two representing the bulk of SARM creation over the past decade.


Ligandrol LGD4033 Uses
1.Bulking. LGD has shown the most ability of any SARM to put on size that could be considered a bulk. This will, of course, be dependent upon the diet used. Users that have experienced more than 10lb. increases, and have had a significant increase in calorie intake. The possibility of this type of size is present with LGD use. A recommend dosage for this type of goal would be 5-10 mg day for 8 weeks.
2.Recomp. LGD seems to shine with this method. Many have seen an increase in lean body mass and a decrease in body fat. LGD seems to work the best with this method. Ran in conjunction with other SARMS, like cardarine (GW-501516), will only increase the likelihood of a stronger recomp. Recommended doses for recomping would be 5-8 mg a day for 8 weeks.
3.Cutting. LGD can be used to cut as well. It will shine more-so if ran in conjunction with SARMS S-4 and Cardarine (GW-501516). This would be similar to a SARMS triple stack that is normally ran with Ostarine, except there is a possibility of more size being put on while cutting. A good dose for this method would be 3-5 mg a day for 8 weeks.


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